Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Gods Must Hate me

fucked up day.

stupid day. fucked up dumb customers at work
atittude given by rachel
fucked up starhub debts came back to haunt me

seriously wat the fuck did i do to deserve all this. is it the alcohol? or the blatant love making? wat? both? geez. not like i'm making others suffer, i'm doing it to myself. why is the fucking repurcussion so big?

cust #1
using a motorola surfboard 4100 cable modem, currently on a maxonline 6500 contract. wants to upgrade to maxonline ultimate. unfortunately, he would have to buy a new modem, why? coz his old one doesnt support the speed(25mbps). disputes. wants to get a new modem for free. informed him i'll check with superiors. but after checking his records, he's one badass fucked up customer. so many technical issues and service he complains about. as if that was bad enuf, he always threatens to disconnect or go to another provider. with us giving him freebies like vouchers and such. not to mention having starhub pull his prev contract just coz he wasnt satisfied with the technical specifications, w/o having to pay for penalty. i mean seriously. IF IT DOES NOT FIT DUN FUCKING SIGN UP FOR IT. bastard. gd thing me and my teamleader went thru his record together and realised he was an asshole. so we told him no, and had no choice but to accept it. fucker

has some stupid firewall on. and complains about slow access. why the fuck does ppl always think its the provider's problem? i never had any serious issues with my pacnet. nothing. found out later the website itself was slow. fine.
called in again happened to pick up again, say cant surf. cant remember shit wat i did to get him back online. apparently went thru his records, the mofo makes noises at the slightest port scan. hell he thinks starhub's trying to hack him. FUCK YOU. idiot. do u noe, that some of wat the firewall logs detect, are just requests from our gateway and dns server? THATS WHY U CANT SURF U IDIOT. YOUR FIREWALL'S BLOCKING OUR SERVER FROM ASSIGNING AN IP ADDRESS TO YOUR FIREWALLED COMPUTER. idiot.

there were a few other customers, but i cant remember much, i'm too angry to remember anything else.

a collegue apparently forgot to schedule a service call yesterday, luckily customer was patient enuf and didnt scream or shout at me. for that, i went out of my way to arrange an urgent one for him. see? simple. talk nicely. scream and shout, and the less i want to help u. fuck, if there was a system, i'd give starhub reward points to nice customers, and minus points from insolent ones. might as well install a fucking IQ test on the 1633 hotline and onli those intelligent enuf to follow instructions would be able to get thru and receive assistance from us. biatches

now. rachel.
at 11am, i smsed if she was able to wake up for her classes.
no reply
few more later after 12noon(her classes ends then)
still no reply.
call her hp at around 2.30pm
picked up, just got home, was hanging out with frens. after a few dumbfuck customers, i wasnt pleased at all how things were going.
told her i'll talk to her later. now, the line was cut immediately after i finished my sentence. wat does that tell u? which means she was well on her way to cut the line when i started my last sentence, which constitutes as hanging up on me. very displeased.
msged her asking if she realised she hung up on me. no response.
no response after repeatedly smses throughout the whole fucking day. fine
i call, and she doesnt pick up. ARGH
granted she may have fallen asleep. for her sake, i hope that is the case

and now the fucking debts with starhub. back late last year i made the error of signing up a starhub mobile line(w/o contract) for jacq. and now its been long terminated due to nonpayment. of coz from the billing dept, the case has been happily thrown to the credit control ppl, a company called Max Alliance. great. and somehow, although the billing address was at jacq's bf(or ex-bf, managed to break them up somehow, dunno how true is that, long story, another entry next time) but they call my house number and refer to my own address. GREAT. just fucking great.
now they call me and tell me if payment not made by tmr, they'll have to do a house visit. yay.
jacq said she got her dad to talk to natasha(the credit control girl) and everything's settled. but its so fucking hard to trust a crazy bipolar woman anymore. fuck

i hate today. seriously. again i wanted to cry. considering my options of getting onto the roof of the AOS Building(starhub) and jump or something, but nah, too rush for suicide. i need to go in style, and have a well written suicide note for everyone.

UPDATE: finally rachel replies on sms, but u noe with wat? "what thing?"
omg, this is infuriating.


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