Sunday, November 19, 2006

Defunct and Derelict

my life has gotten better now that my debts are cleared. the bitch hasn't been bugging me, but she still owes me quite a sum of money. sigh. anyway i won't be updating this blog anymore. at least i doubt so. coz i'll be busy updating my swordplay choreography group's website, Team SEJA.

since my vocation requires videography and photography on top of video editing, i've taken up photography as a new hobby. that is as and when i can practice it. you can find my photos down here.

last updates include me having quit my band, since i cannot dedicate any more of my time into music and guitar. i will be spending that time taking up various sword-related martial arts to improve my ability in that area for use in swordplay choreography.

i've taken down the music section of my blog, since i won't be updating it anymore. i suppose nearly 6mths of the same music would have driven fans who come here mad. and apparently something happened to i've taken that down too.

future updates of my life, albeit in a business/professional point of view can be found at my swordplay choreography website, whose link u can find earlier in this post.

have a gd rest of the year. have a gd christmas. have a gd new year. and the other holidays and the like for the rest of your life.

May The Force Stay Blessed and Prosper