Mirror mirror on the wall...
soccer was awesome... though i'm rather tired when i got home just now, infact nearly fell asleep watching tv, something that rarely happens, haha. anyway after soccer, i realized i left my thigh guard at the basketball court while i was showering. thank goodness i havent left my workplace. so after shower, i just walked back there. and while walking back, i made the mistake of calling jacq and blaming her all over again....
i think i've lost count on how many times i've pissed her off concerning this matter. i supposed after the first 9months odd of almost meeting up everyday, i guess she deserves to be with her frens rather than with me.
and i'm still blind to think that she cant be bothered with the relationship when that wasnt the point. i dun understand, why dun i get it? why do i keep thinking "oh its all your fault"
oh to sidetrack a bit, i got a tagboard! sorry but i'm damn suaku concerning this kinda things, never did much to apply my IT in html and etc.
anyway back to the topic. jacq, if ur readin this, i do apologise. i guess i'm too ego and too childish to realize that the problem had nothing to do with each other, rather your own personal problems.
not that i didnt noe your problems, but i'm sorry if i didnt see it that way. i'm honestly, sincerely very very sorry. i deserve all this, its prolly the best thing u've done this year. the fuckin fact just cant get straight in my head.
do you think its late for apologises...? i hope not...
"way to go capt' cranium..." Eduardo from Extreme Ghostbusters
well once again, without realizing, i've dug my own grave and made an improving situation, worst.
geez man, inborn talent is an understatement.
i must be a mutant, no one can be this screwy.
*happens to remember the Singapore Idols*
ok fine, there ARE worst ppl out there but still...
*pulls hair*
ARGH i need to improve myself, and wat have i done so far? zilch. nada. nil. zero. kosong.
i must be destined not to have a gf, or worst, not get married *GASP*
well cant wait to meet up with sherman and theepan later this day... think we're going out and all. but damn, i cant shave, and i'll look like a caveman. ARGH i hate looking untidy... or worst, like some Al-Qaeda agent. i'm gonna have to figure something out...
once again jacqueline... i am sorry... u do not noe the enorminity of my apology...
infact, it is i who has to look in the mirror and set myself straight and grow up mentally...
gomen-nasai... *bows deeply*